Wednesday, March 10, 2010

iPhone App

     It's been a while since I've posted anything. I've made some progress on a few projects, but most progress has been made toward creating an iPhone App. In November, I got a 'Sams Teach Yourself' book. That may not mean anything to many people, but I do own quite a few of these books. They generally have to do with teaching yourself some type of programming language in 24 hours or 21 days. My new one is obviously for learning how to program for the iPhone!
     Following the book, I've created apps with buttons, animations, webpages, and other interfaces. I've embellished some of them a bit in an attempt to get more out of the learning process. One day soon, I hope to submit an app to be sold (most likely for $0.00 until I can come up with something worth paying for) in iTunes! Now, if only I had a brilliant idea for something that a few million iPhone owners would be willing to pay $0.99.
     Anyone?     Anyone?     Anyone?