As for me, well, 3:34:13 after the start - no BQ. Travis and I made a valiant attempt at qualifying for the Boston Marathon, but in the end, I think that it mostly cost us time. Up to Mile 15 we were right on target, averaging 7:17 per mile. We lost about 26 seconds in the next mile and it only got worse. Somewhere between 16 and 17, apparently Travis had told me to go on ahead but I didn't hear him. A mile or so later, I thought that I had to give it one last shot and left him anyway. I was way off. My average mile after 16 was 9:32 and Travis' was 11:15.
While finishing a marathon should always be a wonderful experience, it doesn't necessarily come without things you would change. Hindsight offers an great opportunity for learning and wishing. Now that I know we weren't ready to qualify for Boston just yet, I wish that I could start the race over with Travis with a different goal in mind. I'm a firm believer that you don't know what you can do until you give it everything that you've got, but I also firmly believe that you can learn something from every experience. But now, I wish that we had come down the canyon a little slower - maybe and 8:00 pace. I'm confident that we both could have finished fairly strong with a time closer to 3:25:00.
I guess that we've inadvertently left ourselves room for improvement. I recognize that qualifying for Boston isn't going to be as easy as just running another marathon - it may take another year or two, or it could happen in Ogden next may. More importantly, however, more members of my family are interested in running. My nephew Jordan (in the background of the photo) says that he wants to run the Ogden Marathon with me next year. My sister Angie (Jordan's mom) thinks she may try the same. My dad (the non-exerciser of the family) seems to even be remotely interested in it. Darrin will be there too! If I have a choice of qualifying for Boston or running with Jordan, I will choose to run with Jordan. Before the time comes to make the choice however, I will train for BQ.
Out of respect for those who have taken the time to read my blogs, I won't bore you with any more numbers at this time besides...
This 'running thing' has been good for our family. Thank you again, for being a great example!
I think that it is ________-don't know a great enough word-that you would chose to run with Jordan over the Boston Marathon.
AMAZING!!! It is so impressive that you have influenced so many people to run. I hope that you can reach your goal BQ, and I think you shoulg go (and we should all come to cheer you on). I think you are very noble (that's my word to fill-in-the-blank from mom's comment.
Congratulations on finishing your 2nd marathon. I hope it is May when you qualify for the Boston Marathon - I would love to see it. That is great that you would chose running with Jordan over running in Boston. You have been a great example to alot of people around you. I really enjoy reading ALL of your numbers and how you have things figured out. I think that is great. There are a couple of things that I needed analized and I really wanted to call you and get your opinion. Like is the hill in the Vegas as bad as it looks. or it appears to me you go up 200ft in 8 miles and Logan you went up 150ft in 3 miles and SL you go up 200ft in 5 miles - So maybe it isn't so bad? (I already made your mom look at it :) )Again, great job in completing you 2nd marathon. You are a great motivator!
Carol - Thanks. As far as Vegas goes, it looks to me like the worst part is 270ft in 7 miles (0.7% grade) which isn't half as steep as the end of the TOU half, that was 77ft in 1 mile (1.46% grade). Besides that, if you're considering the Vegas Marathon, then I'm sure that your going to run more than 3 miles in the next 10 weeks. Call anytime - my mom has my number.
Nice work Jason. I think it is amazing how hard you all trained to accomplish such a wonderful goal. Now you are willing to give up qualifying for Boston to run with Jordan? Once again AMAZING! Congrats!
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